Dechra Brand Guidelines

Through better understanding. Through greater management. Comfortan makes pain, painless.

There are no generic cases. There are no predictable patients. But there is one comprehensive range.

Where there ispain, there isnowapowerful way tocontrol it.Flexible,predictableand convenient,Comfortan ® provideshighly effectiveanalgesia, regardlessof theanimal’s levelofpain.Weknow thatpaincanbea difficultanimal todealwith.Thechallenges vetsand vetnurses face tomeet theunique requirementsofeach individualpatientcan’t beunderestimated.As theonly licenced methadoneanalgesia fordogsandcats, Comfortan iskey toexcellentanalgesia, offeringa solution that isaspreciseas it is powerful.For the surgery, for theanimal, itmakes treatingpain,painless.

For everyunique animal

Comfortan containsmethadone.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.

The category logo always sits in the bottom right hand corner when the material is a range piece.

When the category logo works in conjunction with a product brand (e.g. Comfortan) it sits in the bottom left.

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