Dechra Brand Guidelines

Double page spread press advertisement

Single page spread press advertisement

Anti-emetic treatments don’t have to be a pain to administer. Introducing Prevomax. A new formulation maropitant.

Experience the difference

Anti-emetic treatments don’t have to be a pain to administer

Introducing Prevomax. A new formulation maropitant

Experience the difference

1 Questions andAnswers onBenzyl alcohol in the context of the revision of the guideline on ‘Excipients in the label andpackage leafletofmedicinal products for human use’ (CPMP/463/00)EMA/CHMP/508188/2013 Prevomaxcontainsbenzylalcoholandprovidesa56daybroached shelf life.Usedasacommonpreservative inmany injectabledrugs,benzylalcohol’sanaestheticproperties reducepainat the injection site 1 . Prevomax containsmaropitant. UK: POM-V IE: POM For further information contact:DechraVeterinaryProducts Limited,SansawBusinessPark,Hadnall,Shrewsbury,Shropshire,SY4 4AS. Tel:+44 (0)1939211200.Fax:+44 (0)1939211201.DechraVeterinaryProductsLimited isa tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.

® For further information contact: Dechra Veterinary Products Limited, Sansaw Business Park, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4AS. Tel: +44 (0)1939 211200. Fax: +44 (0)1939 211201. Dechra Veterinary Products Limited is a trading business of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC. Use medicines responsibly:


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