Dechra Brand Guidelines

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From a dog once lost, a new vitality found.

From a dog once lost, a new vitality found.

In everydogwithCushing’s syndrome there is an opportunity tobringbackhealthand restore life. Vetoryl’sgreaterdose flexibly allows you toquickly takebackcontrol.For theowners and their family, itmarks the returnof thehealthydog they thought they’d lost.A true transformation inqualityof life, whether you’reon four legs,or two.

IneverydogwithCushing’s syndrome there is an opportunity tobringbackhealthand restore life. Vetoryl’sgreaterdoseflexibly allows you toquickly takeback control.For theowners and their family, itmarks the returnof thehealthydog they thought they’d lost.A true transformation inqualityof life, whether you’reon four legs,or two.


Vetoryl containsTrilostane.

DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark. DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.

DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9,7171Uldum,Denmark. DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.

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