Dechra Brand Guidelines
Owner booklet
The importance of treatment
Treatment with Vetoryl
Now that yourdog has started treatment, you should soon notice somemarked improvements. It is important that you follow the instructionsgivenby your veterinary surgeon.
Treatment improves yourdog’squalityof life and prevents thedevelopmentofother,potentially life-threatening, conditions forwhich treatment canbe intensive and costly. Cushing’s syndrome has a large, negative impacton yourdog’squalityof life and if left untreated your dog runs agreater riskof serious conditions such as:
YourdogwillbeginVetoryl at the recommended startingdosebasedon itsbodyweight.You should thenmake an appointment for yourdog to return to your veterinary surgeon after 10days. If necessary, your vetmay have to adjust thedosageofVetoryl.Everydosage change should againbe followedby a check up after 10days.
Your veterinary surgeonwill assess yourdog’s response toVetoryl treatmentby:
• Looking for improvement inclinical signs Inmost cases you can expect to see adecrease in yourdog’s appetite and the amount they drinkwithin the first coupleofweekson treatment.Other clinical signsmay take 3 to 6months to improve. • Performingblood tests The resultsof routineblood tests and anACTH stimulation test are used to assess the effectiveness ofVetoryl treatment at 10days, 4weeks, 12weeks and every 3months after starting treatment.
• diabetesmellitus • highbloodpressure
• pancreatitis (inflammationof thepancreas) • infectionsof the kidneys and urinary tract • pulmonary thromboembolism (blood clots in the lung)
Restore life and vitality in your dog. Feel the same results as an owner.
Management of Cushing’s syndrome Cushing’s syndrome cannotbe cured,but it canbe successfullymanaged usingmedication. Vetoryl®,which is theonly licensed treatment for use indogs, contains the active ingredient trilostane, adrugwhich reduces theproductionof cortisolby the adrenalglands.
Continuous care
Yourdog shouldbe closelymonitored in the early stagesof therapy so that thedoseofVetoryl canbe adjusted tomeet its specific needs.This alsohelps tominimise the riskof side-effectsor complications that couldbe harmful to yourdog. Once your veterinary surgeon ishappywith yourdog’sprogress, it is strongly recommended that you visit your veterinary surgeon every 3months for regularmonitoring so that anydose adjustments canbemade as required.
Vetoryl iswell-toleratedbymostdogs. If yourdogdevelopsany signsof illnesswhileonVetoryl including lethargy, vomiting,diarrhoeaandanorexia, stop treatment immediatelyandcontact your veterinary surgeonas soonaspossible.
Remember tobook followupappointmentswith your veterinary surgeon every three months so thatprogresscanbeassessed.This is important since:
- Otherunderlyingdiseasescanbebetterpreventedanddetected - Yourdog’smedicationmightneed tobeadjusted - Youwillbeable to shareanyconcernsabout yourdog’shealth - Potential side-effects canbe averted
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