Dechra Brand Guidelines
Application style
The next few pages show some examples of the brand brought to life. Please note the consistency from one application to the next. Photography, colour, typography all working together to create individual pieces of communication that sit effortlessly within a broader suite of communications.
Poise andprecision say everythingabout ahealthycat. Sowhenhyperthyroidism takes these vital characteristics away, it requiresa treatment thatcanbedeliveredwith precision to restorebalance.Through accurate andflexible dosing, the exact levelof control isdeterminedby you. A treatment that canbedelivered in smallmeasured steps, that takes agiant leap towards apositivehealthyoutlook.
Hyperthyroidism. From diagnosis to treatment, precise control, every step of the way.
Precision and control. It’s what every finely tuned machine needs.
Felimazole contains thiamazole.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9,7171Uldum,Denmark. DechraVeterinaryProducts is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.Registered inEnglandNo: 5385888.
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