Dechra Brand Guidelines
Owner booklet
Your cat, hyperthyroidism and you Thisbooklethasbeendesigned tohelp answerquestions that youmayhaveabout hyperthyroidismandhow it is treated.
Itwillprovide youwith informationabout the conditionaswellas someguidanceonhow best tohelp yourcatduring treatment. Withdailymedicationandcarefulmonitoring yourcatwill soonbe feelinga lotbetter. Manyof the signsassociatedwith hyperthyroidismwill start todisappear andwillbekeptundercontrol. Thisbooklethasbeendivided intoeasy to use sections thatcoverdifferentaspectsof thediseaseand its treatment. In theback of thebooklet youwillalsofinda treatment planner tohelp youmonitor yourcat.
Return the healthy, balanced pet, hyperthyroidism can take away.
Quick reference guide
Continuous care Yourcatwillneed tobecarefullymonitoredand returned for follow-upappointmentsona regularbasis.
Answers to some questions you may have about Felimazole
A seriesofblood testswillneed tobecarriedoutbefore starting treatmentandafter3,6,10 and20weeks. Assessing the response to treatment in thiswayenables the veterinary surgeon toensure that thedoseofFelimazole isappropriate,monitor forpossible side-effects toFelimazole therapy,andcheck for thedevelopmentofanyunrelatedcomplications. After these initialappointmentsandonce your veterinary surgeon ishappy that yourcat is stable, youwillnormally justneed to visitevery threemonths formonitoringof yourcat’s condition.At some stages itmaybenecessary for your veterinary surgeon toadjust the doseofFelimazoleprescribed. Felimazolewill resolve theoutwardsignsofhyperthyroidismwhilstyourcat is being treatedbut itdoesnotcure thedisease.Even ifyounoticedramaticphysical improvements toyourcat’shealth thisdoesnotmean thatyoushouldstop treatment.
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