SPECIFIC Brand Guidelines
FromMay 2018 wewillbemaking anumberof important improvements to our rangeof catproducts with changes to the recipes andpackaging that deliver improvedproducts,betterowner acceptance andbetter sustainability.
THE SPECIFIC RANGE OF PRODUCTS FOR DOGS AND CATS EVERYDAY DIETS A rangeofdiets fordogsandcatsdesigned t omeet the differentnutritionalneedsof thedifferent lifestages – from junior to senior.
OUR INGREDIENTS PROTEINS domostof thework incellsandare needed for the structure, function,and regulation of thebody’s tissuesandorgans. • Fish: Themain sourceofprotein inSPECIFIC– fishprovides awell-balancedandeasilydigestibleproteinandare rich inOmega-3. • Antarctickrill: Ahighqualitymarineprotein, rich in omega-3 fattyacids. OUROTHERSPECIALISTPROTEINS • Egg: well know for itsexcellentproteinquality.Being low in purine,eggsarealsoused soleprotein source ina selected diet formanagementof foodallergyandurate stones. • Riceprotein: isused inanumberof SPECIFIC diets for its lowallergenicity. • Maizeprotein: relatively low inmineralsand so isuseful fordiets supportingahealthyurinary tract. • Potatoprotein: aconcentratedhigh-qualityprotein withahighnutritionalprotein value,meetingaminoacid requirementsofcatsanddogs. CARBOHYDRATES : themain functionof carbohydrates is toprovideenergy.Carbohydrates arealso responsible forprotein sparing.Without carbohydrates thebodywoulduseproteins for energy,meaning theyarenotavailable forother more important tasks. In SPECIFIC dietsweuse anumberofdifferentcarbohydrates. • Corn/Maize: ahighlydigestiblecarbohydrate thatalso containsprotein;essential fattyacids (linoleicacid)and antioxidants (vitaminEandbeta-carotene). • White rice: isused in SPECIFIC dietswhichneedhigher digestibilityor lowallergenicity. • Oats: areused in SPECIFIC dietswhichneeda low glycaemic index suchas those fordogsandcatswith diabetesmellitus. • Wholewheat: Awelldigestiblecarbohydrate source,and also sourceofessentialnutrientsas traceelementsand vitaminsand fibre,which is important for the functionof the gastrointestinal tract.
FATS provideand storeenergy; store, transport andhelp theabsorptionof vitaminsand aidpalatability. • Fishoil: Fishoil isanaturalproductand sowillhave variable amountsofEPA&DHAOmega-3.At SPECIFIC weusea fishoil speciallyblended forus toensureconsistentand high levelsofOmega-3 fattyacids forhealthycoat, skinand joints,cardiacand kidneyhealth,braindevelopmentand immune support. • Pork fat: usedacoatingon the kibblesofmanydry SPECIFIC diets.Highlypalatable it isalsoa sourceof the essential fattyacid linoleicacidandarachidonicacid.Free ofporkprotein itwillbe toleratedbypetswithaporkallergy. FIBRES supportdigestivehealthby regulating the speedofpassageof stools through thegut aidingdigestivehealthand stimulatinggrowthof beneficialgutbacteria. • SPECIFIC™ dietscontaindifefrent sourcesof fibreas cellulose,beetpulp,FOSandpsyllium.Psylliumhusk, the seed from thePlantagoplant, isgel-forming soluble fibre, whichabsorbs several times itsweight in liquids. SPECIALISTNUTRIENTS Weuseanumber of specialistnutrients in SPECIFIC diets to doparticular jobs. • FructoOligoSaccharides (FOS): prebiotics,extracted fromchicory roots, supports thebeneficialgutbacteria. • Beta-glucans: frombaker’s yeast support the immune systembybinding to receptorsof immunecellsandalerting the immune system. • Taurine: Dogscanmake taurine themselvesbutcatscannot, so it isadded toourcatdiets.Taurine isalsoanutrientused to supportcardiac function forbothcats anddogs. • Yuccaextract: binds toammonia, decreasingodours from stools. • L-Carnitine: a fatburning aminoacidderivative isadded toanumberof SPECIFIC dietswhereweightmanagement is important. USEDBY SPECIFIC ENSURESEXACTLYTHE FIXEDFORMULA MANUFACTURING RIGHTNUTRIENT PROFILETIME AFTERTIME.
Improved Recipes
/ / Introductionofchelatedmineralsproviding; -Betterbioavailability -Less interactionwithother nutrients in thediet
What goes into SPECIFIC™ Veterinary Pet Nutrition
-Pharmaceutical/human foodgrade so less contamination / / Our drydiets willmove to the vitaminC , tocopherols and rosemaryextractsnaturalantioxidants thatownersprefer. / / Anew uniquecoating ofdry and liquiddigestonourdry dietsgive significant improvements topalatability. / / We have increased thefishcontent. / / Wehave removed thebeef fromourwetdiets to lower the riskofallergic reactions ,beefbeing a common allergen in cats anddogs. / / Alldrydietsarenowpackedunderprotected atmosphere –helpingpreserve key nutrients, inparticular fatty acids.
Improved Pack Design
We have kept anumberof importantelements to thedesign, including thecolourcoding , so that existing SPECIFIC ™ customers are notputoffbuthave updated and improved thedesign and logo to a cleanermoremodern look .We also nowhave slightlydifferentdesigns for everyday foods compared to special carediets. Information isalso improvedwith ingredientsnow declaredbyname rather thancategory.
SPECIALCARE DIETS A rangeofdietsdesigned toprovidenutritionalsupport fora rangeofhealthconditions including:
• Bladder stonesandurinaryhealth • Food sensitivityandotherallergies • Skin support • Digestive support • Joint support • Heart&Kidney support • Weightmanagement • Post-operative recoveryandcriticalcare
Improved Sustainability
/ / By reducingbag height, adjustedgauge and flattening thebottomofour newpackagingwe’vemadeplastic savingsof 51,600kgCO2equivalent – theCO2 impact of305,000km foranaveragecar. / / By reducingpallet heightwe nowdouble stackpallets reducing freightbynearly 40% – a significant reduction in fuel and roadusage. / / Allof thefish inourcatproducts now come from sourcescertifiedas sustainable.
Improved Pack format
/ / An improved single lip seal provides a more secure and reliable seal with less chanceof seal failure. / / The topof thebag nowhas a laser cut for easyopening. / / Improved reseal system with the very airtight SensiGrip seal. / / Flatbottombags give greater stability and i mproved shelfappearance. / / The wet traycarton cannowbe converted into a shelf readydisplay allowing the saleof singlesas trialpurchase forownerswhoonlyoccasionally feedwet food. / / Wehave a new 400g trial size allowingowners to try theproduct for about aweek. / / Introductionofa 3 x2kgbox allowsowners tomake a largepackpurchasebutwith the longer freshness of smallerbags.
FISH - THE JEWEL IN OUR CROWN Thereare few foodwitha finernutrientprofile than the magnificent fishand so SPECIFIC diets containhigh levels offishandothermarine ingredients. SPECIFIC dietscontainhigh levelsof fishandother marine ingredients. Fish is naturally rich inOmega-3 ,anunsaturated fattyacid thatplaysa key role incoatand skinhealth, jointmobility, cardiacandkidneyhealth,brainandeyedevelopment andsupportsastrong immunesystem. Fishhas the right typeofOmega-3 –Thebeneficial EPA and DHA formsofOmega-3 canonly onlybeobtained from fishandothermarinesources. Fishprotein is highquality , low in fatand,due to lessdense muscle fibres, easilydigested . Fisharepackedwith vitaminsDandB2 (riboflavin) supportingbone formation,nerveandmusclecontroland promotingcoatand skinhealth. Fishareagreatsourceofminerals includingcalcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine,magnesium,andpotassium
Your vet is trained toassess yourpet’sstateofhealth and developmentand from thatmake informed recommendations on theirnutrientneeds. At SPECIFIC webelieve that thisexpertise is vitalwhich iswhywework exclusivelywith vets.
Weaim forsustainablemanufacturing •Allof the fish inourcatproductsnowcomes from sources accreditedas sustainableandourdogproductswillmove to 100%accreditedsources in2019 •Cardboard packaging isFSCcertified •2,500m²of solarpanelsonourEuropeanwarehouse saves25 tonsofCO2per year •Packagingchanges in2018will reduceplasticuse by24 tons saving 51,600kgCO2equivalents support the environment that produces the extraordinary ingredients that create our nutritious and healthy foods SPECIFIC IS COMMITTED TO A PHILOSOPHY THAT WE CALL THE CIRCLE OF GOOD We believe it is our responsibility to
Post-operative and critical illness nutrition Providing your clientswith suitable and effectivepost-operative nutrition isboth commercially and clinically appropriate
NUTRITIONPROVIDES ESSENTIALSUPPORT DURINGTHE RECOVERY PERIODS Studieshave shown malnutrition tobe associatedwith longer recoveryperiods , reducedclinicaloutcomeand increased morbidityandmortality (Robbenet al.1999, Chan2004,Chan&Freeman2006,Corbee & vanKerkhoven2012) .
•High inprotein to supportmaintenanceof leanbodymass. •High inenergy. Thepatient ishyper-metabolicoftenat the same time asbeinganorecticor sufferinga reducedappetite.Energy richdietsallow smallamountsof food tomeet theirneeds. •Low incarbohydrate: criticalcarepatientsaregenerally insulin resistant. •Highlydigestible tocompensate for reducedabsorptivecapacity. •Verypalatable topersuade them toeatevenwithpoorappetite
WHAT IS SPECIFIC ? SPECIFIC isa rangeofdogandcatnutrition developedby veterinaryhealthcareprofessionals designed toprovide theexactnutritionalprofile for yourpets individualneeds. Ourdietsareproducedusing tightlycontrolled fixed formula manufacturing toensure they containexactly the right nutrients timeafter time. Mostofourdietsare rich inmarinesourcedOmega-3. An essential fattyacid that supportsahealthycoatandskin; helpsmaintainsupple joints;supportsbrainandeye development andgoodcardiachealth. Theuseof highquality,highlydigestible ingredients in SPECIFIC allows yourpet toget the mostnutritional value ; helps reduce faecaloutputand,byallowing you to feed smallermeals,helps keepdowncosts. Ourcircleofgoodphilosophymeans all ingredientsare, wherepossible,sustainablysourced and todayallof the fish inourcatproductsnowcomes from sourcesaccredited assustainable andourdogproductswillmove to100% accredited sources in2019.
WHY NUTRITION MATTERS Goodnutrition ismore than just simplecooking, it isabout providing the rightnutrients in the rightproportions. Differentnutrientsdodifferent job s,allworking together inacomplex interaction.Byunderstanding theseprocesses nutritionistsareable todeliver the rightmixofnutrients. Nutrientneedschange –different life stages,different activity levelsanddifferent statesofhealthallhave their own specificnutrientneeds. Different life stages,differentactivity levelsanddifferent statesofhealthallhave their ownspecificnutrientneeds.
MarinesourcedEPAandDHAOmega-3 fattyacids oSupportof immune response. oReductionof inflammatory reactions. oReductionof levelsofcytokinesTNF-αand IL-1, affectinganorexiaandcachexia. Selectedaminoacids: oGlutamine -Primary sourceofenergy forenterocytesandcells of the immune system: - Improvedmucosalbarrierand immune function. -Reduced infectiouscomplications, increased survival. oArginine -Supportsconversion fromammonium tourea: •Reducesencephalopathy; supports leanbodymass. -Supports immune response (T-cell-response). -Supportswoundhealing. oBranched-chainaminoacids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) -Energy sourceduringacutephase. -Forutilisationbymusclesandmaintenanceofnitrogenbalance.
Zinc oAffectsnitrogen-metabolism. oActivateswoundhealing. oSupports the immune response. Beta-1,3/1,6-glucans oSupportof specificandnon-specific immune response. oEnhancedprotectionagainst infections. oAnti-inflammatoryeffect. oSupportwoundhealing. L-carnitine • Increasesoxidationof fattyacids. •Supports leanbodymass. •L-carnitine improvesprobabilityof survival time incats withhepatic lipidosis (Center2012) .
SPECIFIC TM isproud to support TheOceanCleanup an initiative thatdesignsanddevelopsadvanced technologies to rid theoceansofplastic | WWF BalticSea inScandinavia | WWF inDenmark | NorthSeaFoundation inHollandandBelgium | TheSustainableSeasFoundation inSweden | MarineConservationSociety inUK
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