Dechra Brand Guidelines

Overview Leaflet

Prevomax Prevomax isused for the treatmentandpreventionof vomitingandnausea indogs andcats. It is particularly useful for the treatment and prevention of nausea induced by chemotherapy, prevention of perioperative nausea and for treatment of vomiting, in combination with other supportive measures. It is not indicated for prevention of vomiting and nausea associated with motion sickness.


Prevomax is administered subcutaneously or intravenously, once daily at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg body weight, for a maximum period of 5 days. To prevent vomiting, Prevomax is ideally administered more than 1 hour before the effect is required, e.g. prior to chemotherapy treatment or general anaesthesia. The anti- emetic effect lasts about 24 hours. Benzyl alcohol Prevomax containsbenzyl alcohol, a common preservative inmany injectabledrugs,which is known to reducepain at the injection site. 1 Various human clinical studies have shown that an injection containingbenzyl alcohol caused less pain than an injectionpreservedwithmetacresol. 2,3 Furthermore,benzyl alcohol is an effective local anaesthetic and is considered tobe an acceptable alternative to lidocaine. 4,5,6

• A new formulation maropitant • Contains benzyl alcohol preservative, compared to the alternative maropitant injection, which is preserved by metacresol

• 56 day broached shelf life • Convenient 20 ml bottle

PREVOMAX A new formulation maropitant 10 mg/ml anti-emetic injection for dogs and cats Experience the difference

References : 1 Questions andAnswersonBenzyl alcohol in the contextof the revision of the guidelineon ‘Excipients in the label andpackage leafletofmedicinalproducts for human use’ (CPMP/463/00)EMA/CHMP/508188/2013. 2 Rasmussen, L.H.,Zachmann,M. andNilsson,P. (1989)Authentic recombinant humangrowth hormone.Results of amulticenter clinical trial inpatientswithgrowth hormone deficiency. HelvPaediatrActa 43(5-6) , 443-448 3 Kappelgaard,A.M. et al. (2004) Liquid growth hormone:preservatives andbuffers. HormRes 62Suppl3 ,98-103 4 Minogue,S.C. andSun,D.A. (2005)Bacteriostatic saline containingbenzyl alcoholdecreases thepain associatedwith the injection ofpropofol. AnesthAnalg 100(3) , 683-686 5 Bartfield, J.M. et al . (2001)Benzyl alcoholwith epinephrine as an alternative to lidocainewith epinephrine. JEmergMed 21(4) ,375-379 6 Wilson, L. andMartin,S. (1999)Benzyl alcohol as an alternative local anesthetic. AnnEmergMed 33(5) ,495-499

Prevomax containsmaropitant. UK: POM-V IE: POM For further information contact:DechraVeterinaryProducts Limited,SansawBusinessPark,Hadnall,Shrewsbury,Shropshire,SY44AS. Tel:+44 (0)1939211200.Fax:+44 (0)1939211201.DechraVeterinaryProductsLimited isa tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC. www.dechra.comUsemedicines



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