Dechra Brand Guidelines
Animated publication
Dechra analgesics and anaesthetics. Brand guidelines.
For every unique animal
Dechra has a number of recognised products under the category of analgesics & anaesthetics. Each of these individual products provides vets and vet practices with a number of effective solutions for use in the management of pain and delivery of anaesthesia. Dechra’s approach is to categorise all of its products related to analgesics & anaesthetics, giving them clear and recognisable branding and identity. These guidelines explain and highlight the overall category brand as well as individual brands. They show how they should be applied to ensure strong communication is achieved.
04 The category 05 Our brand style
06 Key brand insight 07 The category logo 11 Working with the category brands 14 Typeface
16 Tone of voice 18 Colour palette 20 Photography style 24 Application style guide 30 Brand checklist
This document is for internal use only.
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To maintain a strong brand identity, we need a few simple rules. The next few pages show examples of the brand in action - all consistent, all impactful and all sticking to the rules.
For every unique animal
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Many brands. Together under one category.
The world of analgesics & anaesthetics is a complex one. Different animals, different products, different skills and techniques. We needed to help simplify this. We needed to develop a recognisable, flexible umbrella brand that could be applied to any product within the Dechra analgesics & anaesthetics range. This has been achieved by creating a unique tone of voice and striking visual and photographic style. It can be applied to any of the range of analgesics & anaesthetics products in the Dechra range.
The result is greater uniformity instead of complexity.
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Overall brand style.
We have created a multiple box style graphic as the lead image in all communications, whether this be the overall category or individual brands. The graphic box matrix allows us to colour code individual brands and change images to specific subject matters. It always appears against black and sets out to be an iconic style that our target audience will relate to and recognise.
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Our key brand insight.
‘For every unique animal’.
Our brand insight is a key statement that underpins all communications. It derives from the thought that every animal is unique in terms of pain and response and getting the correct analgesics & anaesthetics blend is as much an art as it is a science. Pain in all its forms is different. The duration, the nature and the causes. An animal’s reaction and response to anaesthesia can be equally unpredictable. Our brand insight is absolutely grounded in this truth.
Our key brand insight is backed by our reasons to believe:
• Dechra brings well-established products together into one range of analgesics & anaesthetics
• No one is doing more to establish a comprehensive range of solutions for vets and practices
• Dechra understands the day-to-day complexity of analgesics & anaesthetics
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Our category logo and positioning line.
Our logo and positioning line underpins everything. It’s how we are recognised and remembered. It’s also very precious. So we need to treat it with the respect it deserves.
For the analgesics & anaesthetics category we have developed a recognisable brand logo. It features a cat and dog with a fingerprint graphic behind them. The fingerprint element is there to represent the unique and individual nature of both the animal and their treatment. The logo and its positioning line can appear in two ways. Predominately this will be white out of a black background (as this is the most prominent campaign colour). It can also appear as black line on white, giving it flexibility to be used in everyday applications.
For every unique animal
For every unique animal
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How and when to use the category logo.
The category logo can be used on all communications, be it a range message or a specific branded product. For instance a brochure talking about Dechra’s analgesics & anaesthetics range would be branded with this logo to signify that all the products the brochure talks about come under this umbrella brand. Logo sizes The logo may have to appear in a variety of different places in different sizes. On some occasions, you’ll need a smaller version of the logo. So to make sure it looks considered and legible. Also, we don’t want to be too bold and domineering. We don’t have to shout ‘look at me!’ We are better suited to a more considered size that fits proportionally well amongst other page/layout elements. Clear zone For a brand logo and strap line to appear confident and instantly recognisable, they need room to breathe. So always try to keep visual clutter around them to a minimum.
For every unique animal
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Logo grid Always place the logo with the utmost care and precision. A little craftsmanship will show our attention to detail and reflect the high standards we are trying to achieve.
As a size/scale guide, use the width of the dog in the category logo to determine how big the Dechra logo should be, see below. The logo should not be used without the category positioning line “For every unique animal”.
For every unique animal
For every unique animal
For every unique animal
The typeface for the category positioning line is always set in Helvetica Neue Regular.
As a guide, use the cat silhouette to determine the clear space that should be given to the logo.
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Through better understanding. Through greater management. Comfortan makes pain, painless.
There are no generic cases. There are no predictable patients. But there is one comprehensive range.
Where there ispain, there isnowapowerful way tocontrol it.Flexible,predictableand convenient,Comfortan ® provideshighly effectiveanalgesia, regardlessof theanimal’s levelofpain.Weknow thatpaincanbea difficultanimal todealwith.Thechallenges vetsand vetnurses face tomeet theunique requirementsofeach individualpatientcan’t beunderestimated.As theonly licenced methadoneanalgesia fordogsandcats, Comfortan iskey toexcellentanalgesia, offeringa solution that isaspreciseas it is powerful.For the surgery, for theanimal, itmakes treatingpain,painless.
For everyunique animal
Comfortan containsmethadone.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
The category logo always sits in the bottom right hand corner when the material is a range piece.
When the category logo works in conjunction with a product brand (e.g. Comfortan) it sits in the bottom left.
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Working with specific brands within the category.
Under the category brand there sits a number of separate sub-brands, each with their own individual logo.
Whilst each logo may be slightly different in design, the rules for how the logo should be used are the same as when dealing with the category logo.
This should help maintain consistency across all communications.
In the next couple of pages we take the Comfortan brand as an example of how to use the various logos.
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Comfortan brand logo.
Logo sizes The Comfortan logo may appear in a variety of different places at different sizes. On some occasions, you’ll need a smaller version of the logo. So to make sure it looks considered and legible. We are better suited to a more considered size that fits proportionally well amongst other page/layout elements. Clear zone For the Comfortan brand logo to appear confident and instantly recognisable, they need room to breathe. So always try to keep visual clutter around it to a minimum. Logo colour The Comfortan logo appears as a white only version over flat colours (predominately black). The logo may also appear in a two-colour version. This will be predominantly on packaging and used on some internal applications.
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Comfortan logo.
Comfortan logo with the Dechra logo.
Logo grid Always place the logo with the utmost care and precision. A little craftsmanship will show our attention to detail and reflect the high standards we are trying to achieve. Use the C of Comfortan to determine a clear area around the logo. C OMFORTAN ® C OMFORTAN ® C OMFORTAN ® C OMFORTAN
In all communications the Comfortan logo should be the dominant logo. As a guide, use the width of the first four letters of the Comfortan logo to determine how big the Dechra logo should be, see below.
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Our brand typeface has a clarity and directness about it. It’s confident, uncomplicated and easy to read.
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Brand typeface.
Our primary brand typeface is Helvetica Neue. Use this for all brand messaging, e.g. brochures, posters, press ads, signage and bags. There are two weights to choose from. Use Helvetica Neue LT Std 75 Bold, upper and lower case for headlines and important messages. And then there’s Helvetica Neue LT Std 55 Roman for body copy, which you can use in both upper and lower case.
Helvetica Neue LT Std 75 Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
As a rule:
When setting copy, make sure it looks considered, crafted and consistent. Even in this modern age, people pick up on words, headlines and passages of copy that have not had the correct tender loving care. It can reflect badly on the brand.
Helvetica Neue LT Std 55Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
Use Arial for web based communications
Arial Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Arial Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
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Tone of voice.
The brand is...
We have given the category brand a tone of voice that will work across all sub-brands and provide a coherent and simple way of communicating. Tone of voice is how the brand expresses itself in words, and it’s just as important as our visual identity. As writing is usually our first opportunity to make an impression, it’s important we get it right. We want to help you pick the right words and messages so you can apply them in the right places. But whilst we may have lots to say, we should always aim to keep things simple, minimal and understandable.
Understanding Caring Knowledgeable Accessible Positive Optimistic
Measured Accurate Modern
Professional Established Authoritative
The brand is not...
Opposite is a simple guide as to how the brand should communicate.
Complex Over technical
Complex Unapproachable Long-winded Uninspiring Generic
Funny Brash Flippant
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Our colour palette
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Colour palette.
Like our logo, colours are an important factor when it comes to our brand being recognised and remembered. So consistency here is also crucial. We have developed a small, but impactful palette which can use to great effect. Please don’t add any other colours as this might upset the happy balance we have created. Each brand within the category can be assigned a colour. This should help identify the individual brands quickly and easily. When communicating the individual brands be aware of the colour changes.
Font colours
Primary colours palette
C 00 M 00 Y 00 K 00
R 255 G 255 B 255
C 51 M 00 Y 13 K 00
C 32 M 55 Y 00 K 00
R 114 G 205 B 220
R 174 G 129 B 185
C 00 M 00 Y 00 K 50
R 147 G 149 B 152
C 28 M 00 Y 73 K 00
C 06 M 73 Y 31 K 00
R 192 G 218 B 111
R 228 G 105 B 130
C 10 M 25 Y 71 K 00
R 230 G 188 B 101
50% tints of these colour can be used in the construction of charts and graphs.
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Additional colourways.
Use the green colour for product range communications.
Use the blue colour for Comfortan communications.
Use the red colour for Alfaxan communications.
We have created four images in five different colour ways. Each colour can be assigned to a specific brand or specific audience. We have already assigned green to range communications, blue is used for communications featuring Comfortan, and red for communications featuring Alfaxan. Each market has the freedom to choose which products or audiences the other colours are assigned to. For example, orange could be assigned to Buprenodale or purple assigned to all client materials.
N.B. We only ever use one colour block in an individual image and all blocks within an image should be the same colour.
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Photography is a window on our world. It’s how we can stand out, be creative and most importantly be noticed.
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Photography style.
For the category brand and individual brands a creative blend of photography and graphics has been developed to ensure a unique style which can give maximum standout and recognition.
Relevant A&A images and selected colours sit within a framework of different sized screens or boxes set against a darkened background. This style is duplicated across the different communications and formats.
Our four key images.
communications (each colour can assigned to a specific brand). These four images have been set and should not be altered in any way. The two images above feature both dogs and cats.
Four key images have been created in five different colour ways to keep the communications fresh and interesting. The different colours help to differentiate between range and brand
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Individual Dog and Cat images.
The images below feature dogs and cats separately. These have been selected to create a dynamic and upbeat visual narrative and are useful when the communication needs to relate to a specific animal.
Dog only image.
Cat only image.
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Additional images.
Extra design elements have been created, these are in the same style as the master images but smaller.
These have been created to add extra interest into the various materials.
The extra images work on both black backgrounds and white backgrounds.
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Application style guides.
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The next few pages show some examples of the brand brought to life. Please note the consistency from one application to the next. Photography, colour, typography all working together to create individual pieces of communication that sit effortlessly within a broader suite of communications.
There are no generic cases. There are no predictable patients. But there is one comprehensive range.
With Dechra branding 200x400
Through better understanding. Through greater management. Comfortan makes pain, painless.
Make pain, painless Click here
Comfortan makes pain, painless.
Where there ispain, there isnowapowerful way tocontrol it.Flexible,predictableand convenient,Comfortan ® provideshighly effectiveanalgesia, regardlessof theanimal’s levelofpain.Weknow thatpaincanbea difficultanimal todealwith.Thechallenges vetsand vetnurses face tomeet theunique requirementsofeach individualpatientcan’t beunderestimated.As theonly licenced methadoneanalgesia fordogsandcats, Comfortan iskey toexcellentanalgesia, offeringa solution that isaspreciseas it is powerful.For the surgery, for theanimal, itmakes treatingpain,painless.
Through greater management.
Through better understanding.
For everyunique animal
Comfortan containsmethadone.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9,7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
For everyunique animal
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Double page spread press ad Comfortan
Single page spread press ad Comfortan
Through better understanding. Through greater management. Comfortan makes pain, painless.
Through better understanding. Through greater management. Comfortan makes pain, painless.
Where there ispain, there isnowapowerful way tocontrol it.Flexible,predictableand convenient,Comfortan ® provideshighly effectiveanalgesia, regardlessof theanimal’s levelofpain.Weknow thatpaincanbea difficultanimal todealwith.Thechallenges vetsand vetnurses face tomeet theunique requirementsofeach individualpatientcan’t beunderestimated.As theonly licenced methadoneanalgesia fordogsandcats, Comfortan iskey toexcellentanalgesia, offeringa solution that isaspreciseas it is powerful.For the surgery, for theanimal, itmakes treatingpain,painless.
Where there ispain, there isnowapowerful way tocontrol it.Flexible,predictableand convenient,Comfortan ® provideshighly effectiveanalgesia, regardlessof theanimal’s levelofpain.Weknow thatpaincanbea difficultanimal todealwith.Thechallenges vetsand vetnurses face tomeet theunique requirementsofeach individualpatientcan’t beunderestimated.As theonly licenced methadoneanalgesia fordogsandcats, Comfortan iskey toexcellentanalgesia, offeringa solution that isaspreciseas it is powerful.For the surgery, for theanimal, itmakes treatingpain,painless.
For everyunique animal
For every unique animal
Comfortan containsmethadone.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Comfortan containsmethadone.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
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Client Leaflet Front Cover
Client Leaflet inside spread
Caring for your pet before and after an operation
Getting ready for your pet’s operation There are a number of things your Veterinary Surgeon will do prior to your pet’s operation to help minimise the risks and help your pet recover as quickly as possible. Your pet will be thoroughly examined and your Veterinary Surgeon may choose to perform pre-operative blood and urine tests. At this stage your input is vital. You will know your pet better than anyone, so please make sure you tell your Veterinary Surgeon all about your pet’s lifestyle, character, previous medical history, vaccinations, and any medications she/he currently takes. How to prepare for your pet’s visit: • Food and drink – It may be necessary for your pet to fast the night before an operation to prevent nausea. It is important that you follow the directions given by your Veterinary Surgeon. • Keep indoors - Cats in particular should be kept indoors from the night before to ensure fasting and also to make sure that they are present in the morning to go to the veterinary clinic. • Urination - On the morning of the operation try to encourage your pet to go to the toilet, by providing a clean litter tray for cats or taking your dog on a short walk, before leaving home to go to the clinic. • Avoid stress – Your pet will reflect your feelings so help them by acting as calmly and normally as possible. Once you arrive at the clinic you may consider leaving your pet outside or in the car whilst you register them with the clinic if they aren’t comfortable in a waiting room with other animals.
Most pets will undergo a procedure during their lifetime where they require anaesthesia or sedation.
It is perfectly natural to feel a bit worried when your pet is having an operation. General (or full) anaesthesia is most commonly used in pets as it causes the least discomfort and stress to the animal. It means that they will be unconscious during the procedure so will be unaware of what is happening and will feel no pain. This leaflet is designed to give you information on what to expect and to provide you with some hints and tips to help your pet prepare for, and recover from, their procedure.
For everyunique animal
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Range Brochure
Pain: What is it and why should we treat it?
There are no generic cases. There are no predictable patients. But there is one comprehensive range.
Preventive analgesia The aimofpreventive analgesia is tominimise sensitisation inducedby noxiousperi-operative stimuli including those arisingpre-operatively, intra-operatively andpost-operatively 1 .For surgery andother clinicalprocedures theoptimal approach is toproactively and individually assess the expected amountofpainordiscomfortof the animal andprovide analgesia accordinglyprior to theonsetof thepainful stimulus and for thedurationof that stimulus. Premedication The aimsofpremedication are to relieve stressofhandling in the clinic environment; to smooth the stagesof anaesthesia – induction,maintenance and recovery; to contribute tomuscle relaxation and toprovide analgesia.Premedicationmay reduce the required amountsof induction andmaintenance agents. As each animal is unique it is recommended that you adapt yourpremedicationprotocols to each individual case. Assigning anASA level (TheAmericanSocietyofAnaesthesiologistsphysical status classification system)will assist you indetermining themost appropriateprotocol for theprocedure. Drugs that allow a choiceof administration route,dosing to effect, repeatdosing aswell as the possibilityof reversal; support flexible and safe anaestheticprocedures.Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonists andopioidswith their centrally acting sedative and analgesic effects arepivotal tools forpremedication, and form an importantpartof theDechra analgesia& anaesthesia range.
Pain isdefinedby ISAP (InternationalAssociation for theStudy ofPain) as “anunpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actualorpotential tissuedamage,ordescribed in termsof suchdamage”. Pain assessment is challengingbut is critical in allpatients.Aspain experiencediffersgreatlybetween individual animals, it is important toperform regularpain scoring to ensure that the appropriate level of analgesia isprovided. Unlesspain is recognised andquantified there is adangerpatients are either under-analgesed,with the inevitable consequenceofpain andpoorwelfare,or converselyover-analgesed,with thepotential for adverse effects 1 . Tomanagepain successfully you need tobe able to assesspain dynamically, incorporating: •Visual assessment • Interactionwith the animal •Assessmentofphysiological variables Controllingpain is as complex aspain itself.No two cases are the same, and eachprocedure isdifferent.Thedifferent classesof analgesics influencepainprocessing throughdifferentmechanisms, and can thereforebe used in combination tomaximise analgesia. For example aNSAID,opioid and local anaesthetic used in combination.This concept is known asmulti-modal analgesia. Multi-modal analgesia also forms an essentialpartofbalanced
anaesthesia.The conceptofbalanced anaesthesia is basedon administering smallerdosesof individual anaesthetic agentswhen used in combination thus diminishingpotential unwanted effects andmaximising advantageous effects.
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Online banner ads
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Brand checklist.
You should have a good feel for the A&A category brand by now. For convenience, we’ve summarised what you need to keep everything on-brand.
Our positioning. For every unique animal.
Our vision. Many brands simplified under one category.
Our values. Understanding, caring, knowledgeable and accessible.
Our personality. Professional, positive and optimistic.
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Thank you.
For further information contact Ellie Rothnie Becky Morris Louise Pugh
Dechra Veterinary Products A/S, Mekuvej 9, 7171 Uldum, Denmark. Dechra Veterinary Products Limited is a trading business of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC. Registered in England No: 5385888 ©Dechra Veterinary Products A/S August 2014
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Thank you.
For further information contact Ellie Rothnie Becky Morris Louise Pugh
Dechra Veterinary Products A/S, Mekuvej 9, 7171 Uldum, Denmark. Dechra Veterinary Products Limited is a trading business of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC. Registered in England No: 5385888 ©Dechra Veterinary Products A/S August 2014
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03 Welcome to the brand 04 Overall brand style 05 Our brand positioning 06 Multiple brands, one category 07 Working with specific category brands 08 Brand logos and the Dechra logo 09 The ‘TIME TO CHANGE’ sign off 10 Examples of logo placement 12 Our brand typeface 14 How to set a headline
In the area of dermatology, Dechra has developed a range of antimicrobials and antiseptics to help vets and vet practices with the control and maintenance of ear and skin disease, whilst also addressing the issue of antimicrobial resistance.
Dechra’s approach is to categorise all of its products related to dermatology by giving them clear and recognisable branding and identity.
These guidelines explain and highlight the overall category brand as well as individual brands. They show how they should be applied to ensure a strong and consistent communication is achieved.
15 Tone of voice 16 Colour palette
18 Photography style 20 Additional images 21 Application style guide 27 Brand checklist
This document is for internal use only.
It is important to recognise that a brand is more than just a logo. It is a complete and considered direction for all forms of communication. The dermatology category brand needs to define its own position in the market place. It needs to be clear what the brand stands for and what it is communicating. In this case, the more responsible use of antibiotics through a range of effective dermatology products. The dermatology category brand and the individual product brands that sit within it all need to portray a sense of optimism, professionalism, urgency and clear concise messaging. This is best achieved by building and maintaining a consistent brand experience across every touch point and communication channel.
How a brand is perceived is heavily dependent on those who use and apply it, day in day out.
These brand guidelines are here to help you make our brand communicate as effectively as it possible can.
We have created a simplistic portrait style that draws attention to the animal and makes it the focal point for all communications. By using large areas of space and muted colours, the viewer is allowed to pick out the key messages and information with absolute clarity. The concrete plinth is also worth consideration as this is part of the unique design style. It elevates the subject matter, whether this be a dog or another object.
Time to change. With an increasing global trend in resistant microbes emerging and spreading, there is a need to take action to safeguard the future effectiveness of antibiotics. ‘Time to change’ is Dechra’s recognition of what now needs to be done. Thanks to the Dechra range of topical products, treatment can have a holistic approach for the control and maintenance of disease. As well as helping to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance, this is a more responsible way of controlling and maintaining disease.
Our Brand Positioning. Reasons to believe.
• Dechra is recognised for its established range of dermatology products
• Dechra is pioneering change in the way antibiotics are prescribed and used
• Dechra is helping to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics, both now and for future use in animal and humans
• Dechra has a best practice approach to dermatological conditions to target and treat more effectively
The area of dermatology covers many different conditions and treatments. To create a better understanding of this, we need to keep our communications as simple and as clear as possible. This has been achieved by creating a unique tone of voice and instantly recognisable photographic style. The result is greater uniformity instead of greater complexity. There is now a recognisable, flexible umbrella brand that could be applied to any product within the Dechra dermatology range. This style will also work with the existing phase 1 and 2 dermatology campaigns.
Under the category branding there sits a number of separate product brands, each with their own individual logo.
Whilst each logo may be slightly different in design, the rules for how the logo should be used stay the same.
This should help maintain consistency across all communications. In the next couple of pages we will take a look at how the individual logos should be applied and considered. Our logos and positioning line underpins everything. It’s how we are recognised and remembered. They are also very precious, so we need to treat them with the respect they deserve.
Always place the logo with the utmost care and precision. A little craftsmanship will show our attention to detail and reflect the high standards we are trying to achieve.
A very important part of the dermatology category is the sign off message that has been created. This is our call to action and it appears on all communications. For this reason we should take time to consider its design and usage.
The blue flash always bleeds off the page to the left or the right
It appears as white typography on a dark blue flash. This flash can appear from either the left or right of any page or layout, but as a rule it must always bleed off the page or layout for maximum impact.
Helvetica Neue 75 BOLD
Pantone 541
For more information visit: :
Call to a action is positioned under the ‘sign off’ device
Antimicrobial resistance. It is fastbecoming a serious threat to his
futurehealth.Antibioticsneed tobeprescribed and used appropriately topreserve the effectivenessof thesehighly importantmedicines. Greateruseof topical treatment is an important step on theway to achieving this.Themore timeswe treat infection in thisway, themore we’re thinking about every animal’s future.
We can’t continue as if nothing is happening. The fact is, antimicrobial resistance in small animals is increasing. 1 If leftunchecked, it threatens to make antibiotics ineffective and leavemany bacterialdiseases untreatable. Thanks toDechra’s rangeof topicalproducts, treatment can have aholistic approach in the control andmaintenanceofdermatologicaldisease. With topical therapy, higher concentrations canbe delivered to the siteof the infection,helping to address thewider issueof antimicrobial resistance.
Formore information visit: :
Formore information
1 Beaver et al (2014) Increasing antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolatesof Staphylococcus intermedius groupbacteria and emergenceofMRSP in theUK, VeterinaryRecord 176 (7) 172 DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Canaural:EachgofCanaural contains fusidic acid (diethanolamine fusidate)5mg, framycetin5mg,nystatin 100,000 IU,prednisolone 2.5mg. DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9,7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
When there is no other brand appearing apart from the Dechra brand, place the Dechra logo at the bottom of the page on the right hand side.
When another product brand is featured place the Dechra logo in the top left hand side of the layout. Feature the additional product logo underneath the ‘TIME TO CHANGE’ sign off.
A uniquemolecule is helping to combat the spreadof antimicrobial resistance.
Used topically fusidic acid is a highly effective treatment todaywhilst helping to safeguard antibiotic treatment for the future. 1
For more information visit: :
Canaural:EachgofCanaural contains fusidic acid (diethanolamine fusidate)5mg, framycetin 5mg, nystatin 100,000 IU,prednisolone2.5mg. Isaderm:Contains5mg fusidic acid and1mgbethamethasone valerate. 1 Clark,S. et al (2015)Susceptibility in vitroof caninemethicillin-resistant and –susceptible Staphylococcal isolates to fusidic acid, chlorhexidine andmiconazole: opportunities for topical therapyof canine superficialpyoderma. JournalofAntimicrobialChemotherapy 70 (5) DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Here’s an example where two product brand logos appear, again place them underneath the ‘TIME TO CHANGE’ sign off.
Our primary brand typeface is Helvetica Neue. Use this for all brand messaging, e.g. brochures, posters, press ads, signage and bags. There are two weights to choose from. Use Helvetica Neue 65 Medium, upper case for headlines and important messages. And then there’s Helvetica Neue 55 Roman for body copy, which you can use in both upper and lower case.
Helvetica Neue 65 Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
When setting copy, make sure it looks considered, crafted and consistent. Even in this modern age, people pick up on words, headlines and passages of copy that have not had the correct tender loving care. It can reflect badly on the brand.
Helvetica Neue 55 Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
To create a more distinctive look, a considered headline arrangement has been developed for our communications. Try not to look at the headline as one chunk of copy. See it more as bite sized statements all working together. Please note the use of different shades of grey to highlight key words or lines.
C 62 M 55 Y 57 K 31
R 95 G 90 B 85
The brand is...
Tone of voice is how the brand expresses itself in words and it’s just as important as our visual identity. As writing is usually our first opportunity to make an impression, it’s important we get it right. For the dermatology category there is a need to talk seriously and purposefully to motivate our audience and inspire change. We have tried to give the category brand a tone of voice that will work across all product brands and provide a coherent and simple way of communicating. We want to help you pick the right words and messages so you can apply them in the right places. But whilst we may have lots to say, we should always aim to keep things simple, minimal and understandable.
Motivational Inspiring
Measured Modern
Knowledgeable Forward thinking Positive
Professional Authoritative Proactive
The brand is not...
Here’s a simple guide as to how the brand should communicate.
Funny Brash Out of touch Flippant Complex
Unapproachable Unresponsive Long-winded Inward looking Self-concerned
Like our logo, colours are an important factor when it comes to our brand being recognised and remembered. So consistency here is also crucial. Predominantly we are dealing with a muted palette to reflect the seriousness of the subject, as well as the professionalism of our approach. That said, we have also developed a small, but impactful palette which can be used within the guidance provided.
Please don’t add any other colours as this might upset the happy balance we have created.
C 00 M 00 Y 00 K 00
R 255 G 255 B 255
C 44 M 38 Y 40 K 22
C 04 M 82 Y 100 K 00
R 126 G 122 B 120
R 226 G 73 B 18
C 62 M 55 Y 57 K 31
R 95 G 90 B 85
C 00 M 00 Y 00 K 50
R 157 G 157 B 157
C 54 M 20 Y 100 K 02
R 138 G 164 B 40
C 22 M 27 Y 100 K 00
R 208 G 175 B 00
The Auxiliary Colour Palette can also be used but in a limited capacity to help create stand out in certain layouts, for example to highlight key information or to colour graphs and charts, where 50% tints may also be used.
C 81 M 39 Y 00 K 00
R 26 G 130 B 197
For the category brand and individual brands we have developed a very distinctive photographic style. The aim of this was to have a strong visual language that was both instantly recognizable and very ownable by Dechra. We have created a composition that makes the animal the absolute focal point. By using simplistic backgrounds and basic concrete style plinths, we are not detracting from the animal, yet still providing an interesting photographic image.
All the hero images are available without the featured animals. These can be useful to create consistency on pieces such as brochures where there is sometimes a need to carry more informmation.
What follows are examples of everything we have just seen being applied to a series of different communication pieces. Please note the consistency from one application to the next. Photography, colour, typography all working together to create individual pieces of communication that sit effortlessly within a broader suite of communications.
Antimicrobial resistance. It is fastbecoming a serious threat to his
futurehealth.Antibioticsneed tobeprescribed and used appropriately topreserve the effectivenessof these highly importantmedicines. Greateruseof topical treatment is an important step on theway to achieving this.Themore timeswe treat infection in thisway, themore we’re thinking about every animal’s future.
Auniquemolecule is helping to combat the spreadof antimicrobial resistance.
Used topically fusidic acid is a highly effective treatment todaywhilst helping to safeguard antibiotic treatment for the future. 1
Formore information visit: :
Formore information
Canaural:EachgofCanaural contains fusidic acid (diethanolamine fusidate) 5mg, framycetin 5mg, nystatin 100,000 IU,prednisolone2.5mg. DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9,7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Canaural:EachgofCanaural contains fusidic acid (diethanolamine fusidate)5mg, framycetin 5mg,nystatin 100,000 IU,prednisolone 2.5mg. Isaderm:Contains5mg fusidic acid and1mgbethamethasone valerate. 1 Clark,S. et al (2015)Susceptibility in vitroof caninemethicillin-resistant and –susceptible Staphylococcal isolates to fusidic acid, chlorhexidine andmiconazole: opportunities for topical therapyof canine superficialpyoderma. JournalofAntimicrobialChemotherapy 70 (5) DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Double page spread press ad
Single page spread press ad
Antimicrobial resistance. It is fastbecoming a serious threat tohis
futurehealth.Antibioticsneed tobeprescribed and used appropriately topreserve the effectivenessof thesehighly importantmedicines. Greateruseof topical treatment is an important step on theway to achieving this.Themore timeswe treat infection in thisway, themore we’re thinking about every animal’s future.
Just an everyday infection. Ifwe aren’t careful, itmight turn into something farmore serious in the future.That’sbecause antibioticsneed tobeprescribed and used appropriately to stop resistantmicrobes emerging and spreading across theglobe. UsingDechra’sbestpractice approach in combinationwith the rangeof topicalproducts, you canhelp to address thedevelopmentof antimicrobial resistance.
Formore information visit: :
Formore information
Canaural:EachgofCanaural contains fusidic acid (diethanolamine fusidate)5mg, framycetin5mg,nystatin100,000 IU,prednisolone2.5mg. DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej9,7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S,Mekuvej 9, 7171Uldum,Denmark.DechraVeterinaryProductsA/S is a tradingbusinessofDechraPharmaceuticalsPLC.
Fusidic Acid Brochure front cover
Fusidic Acid Brochure inside spread
In the light of increasing development of antibiotic resistance in human and veterinary practice there is growing pressure on the veterinary sector to use antimicrobials sparingly and responsibly. The aim is to reduce overall the amount of antibiotics used, restrict the use of critically important molecules as defined by the World Health organisation (WHO) and slow down the development of antimicrobial resistance to safeguard effective molecules for veterinary and human use.
Fusidic acid is a unique antimicrobialmolecule. Itbelongs to a classof itsown (the fusidanes) and no cross resistancebetween fusidic acid andother antibiotics in clinical use hasbeen identified.Available in a rangeof topical antibiotic treatments fromDechra, it can help support the vet in successfully combatingbacterial infections that are sensitive to fusidic acid.
u Active in thepresenceofpus 1 Due to its lipophilic nature fusidic acid shows highpenetration of skin and remains stable and active in thepresenceofpus
Fusidic acid
u Narrow spectrum A narrow-spectrum antibioticwhich is effective against Gram-positivebacteria such as Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp.
u High efficacy against Staphylococcuspseudintermedius 2 , themost commonpathogen in canine skindisease
u Effective againstMRSP 3 As there is no cross-resistancewithother antibiotics fusidic acid is also effective against methicilin resistant Staphylococci (MRSP)
u Bacterialgrowth inhibitor Fusidic acid is abacterialprotein synthesis inhibitor,which interruptsbacterialgrowth and replication
u First-line treatment Classified as a highly important, rather than critically important, antimicrobial in humanmedicinewhich allows its use as first line treatment in veterinarymedicine u Topical treatment Fusidic acid isonly licensed for topicaluse in veterinary medicine, allowingdrug concentrations achieved at the siteof infection tobe a lot higher thanwith systemic administration and concentrations commonly exceed Minimum InhibitoryConcentrations (MIC) reducing the likelihoodof resistancedevelopment 3 .
Derm Sales Aid
Antimicrobial resistance
What needs to happen? Theprudent and appropriate useof antimicrobials where indicated, aswell asmeasures tominimise occurrence and recurrenceof infections.
• Antibiotics are essential for the treatmentof manybacterial infections • Resistantbacteria are emerging and spreading 1,2 • The spread is thought tobe acceleratedby the inappropriate useof therapeutic antimicrobials • Thepotential consequences are severe 3
Awide varietyof conditions can cause thisopportunisticovergrowth, includingbreedpredisposition, a compromised immune system and/or adisrupted skinbarrier. 5
What is recommended?
• Abestpractice approach todiagnosis • Aholistic approach to control and maintenance • Prudent and appropriateprescribing of antimicrobials • Useof topicalproductswhere appropriate
• Reduces the riskof recurrenceof thedisease • Maintenance sustainspet health and enforcesowner compliance • Happier clients and healthierpets • Improved lifetime valueof your clients • Safeguard antibiotic efficacy for the future
1.Seborrhoeicdermatitis associatedwith Malassezia pachydermatis and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
2.Primary atopy and concurrent Malasseziadermatitis
3.DogwithCushing’sdisease and secondary Malassezia dermatitis
Consequences Malasseziadermatitis indogsmaybe localisedorgeneralised.Skin lesionsusuallyoccuron the face (ear canal,perioral andperiocular skin, ventralneck)or in cutaneous folds (axillae,groin, interdigital skin and claw folds).
Malassezia dermatitis Malasseziapachydermatis and Staphylococcuspseudintermedius are alreadypresenton normaldog skin. Whenever the immune system is suppressed and/or the epidermalbarrier isdisrupted,microbial overgrowth can thenoccur.This can result inopportunistic skin and ear infections. 4
Clinical signs are variable andgenerallyobserved: • Erythema • Mild to severepruritus • Alopecia • Greasy exudation and scaling
Secondary lesions include: • Excoriations • Lichenification • Hyperpigmentation • Exudation
Ingeneralised cases, anoffensive and rancidodour is commonly reported. 6 Malassezia shouldbe considered in any casesofpruriticdermatitis.
Healthy epidermalbarrier
Disruptionof epidermalbarrier
As there is thought tobe an interactionbetween Malasseziapachydermatis and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius ,bothwill increase in numbers. 4
Neutrophilwith engulfed cocci
Erythematous skin
Seborrhoeic skin
Digital Storyboard
Banner Ad
Formore information
You should have a good feel for the Dechra dermatology category by now. Here we have a simple checklist of what you need to keep in mind to keep everything on-brand.
Our positioning. Time to change.
Our goal. Inspire change in the way antibiotics are prescribed and used.
Our values. Clear, knowledgeable, motivational and forward thinking.
Our personality. Modern, inspiring, professional and positive.
For further information contact Ellie Rothnie Becky Morris Louise Pugh
Dechra Veterinary Products A/S, Mekuvej 9, 7171 Uldum, Denmark. Dechra Veterinary Products Limited is a trading business of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC. Registered in England No: 5385888 ©Dechra Veterinary Products A/S August 2015
Brand, logo, font & tone of voice guidelines.
Contents (click to jump to page) 04 Welcome to the brand 05 Our key brand insight
As a market leader in the treatment for cases of feline hyperthyroidism, Felimazole is established in all the major countries and export markets that Dechra currently operates.
07 Logo sizes & colours 08 Clear zone
Key dates and events brand’s development.
09 Logo grid & positioning line 10 Felimazole & Dechra logo
2002 Felimazole 5 mg launched 2004 Felimazole 2.5 mg launched
12 Colour palette
14 Typeface
2007 Vidalta launched 2012 Hills y/d launched 2013 Generic products enter the market 2014 New Felimazole 1.25 mg line extension
16 Tone of voice
19 Photography
21 Application style
27 Brand checklist
This document is for internal use only.
To maintain a strong brand identity, we need a few simple rules. The next few pages show examples of the brand in action - all consistent, all impactful and all sticking to the rules.
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